This is a library of several small Java classes that are unrelated, except that they were all written by me. They include:
: for formatting numeric output. This is yet another
version of printf
. It was designed because I couldn't
figure out how to tell Java's version of format how to print a number
with 4 significant digits.
: used to keep track of global debugging flags. I use
this class to put debugging print statements in my code. These
statements can them be turned on or off at run time.
, FloppyInputStream
: for writing and reading one long file
to several floppies. It prompts the user to insert a floppy, writes
until it is full and then asks for another. When reading, it checks to
make sure that the floppies are in order.
: Reads in a file of numbers written by a
fortran program. It handles "D" as well as "E" as the exponent, and it
doesn't balk when two numbers are printed with no whitespace between
InputTee, OuputTee
: Used to debug input/output streams.
It splits one stream into two (like the unix command tee).
: allows one to view applets with out using a web
browser or having any HTML file.
: groups some windows together so that when one
is closed, they all get closed.
: waits for all the windows in a list to close, or
all the threads in a list to finish, and then
calls System.exit()
: lets create several threads, but only starts several
at a time, so that the machine doesn't get swamped with processes.
is a scroll bar for a floating point number
instead of an integer. It can allow the user to change the minimum and
maximum value dynamically.
See the jmisc project page for up-to-date information, downloads, and the CVS repository.